오피스디포 - 사무실에 필요한 모든 것

by Officedepot.co.kr



Office Depot opened mobile for the first time in the office supplies industry,We are continuing to develop services to diversify our customers shopping environment.We provide an optimized shopping solution to meet Office Depot anytime, anywhere.Deferred payment -Office supplies are purchased first, and payment is made on a monthly basis.Combined mileage management -Accumulate mileage and use it like cash at shopping malls, mobile phones, and stores -Exchange and gift of Cupicon through affiliates in the shopping mallB2B integrated purchasing process -We propose a corporate integrated purchasing strategy through opening a B2B shopping mall customized for corporate customers.service -Purchasing agency: It is an agency for purchasing products that are not available at Office Depot, and accounting is processed at once. -Visit to a leaf business employee: Office supplies experts provide optimized consultation. -Multi-function device rental: Affordable supply of low-cost and high-end models in partnership with Kyocera -Cold and hot water machine rental: Free Pulmuone hot and cold water supply, clean Pulmuone bottled water -Snack service: direct arrangement and management of various products such as sweets, beverages, and snacks